Friday, December 31, 2010

Dickens by candlelight--Day Twenty

A key character in Bleak House died recently of spontaneous combustion. I was surprised to find that, in fact, spontaneous combustion has some grounding in fact! (Dickens reminds his readers of this in his preface to the novel.)

Considering my experiment, the tragedy of Old Krook reduced to ashes has reminded me that death by fire need not be so mysterious.

So I came up with the following equation:

Candle+Bed+Book+Clumsy reader prone to fits of sleep= Fire Hazard

Also, me and fire: there are stories. In fact, if I ever pen a memoir one of my first title choices is My History with Fire.

If you, reader of this blog, were to write a memoir, what would you have as a title? Comment!!


  1. I think one of my first choices of titles would be "No, That was the Other Me"

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "five sences in to darkness were!!! are!!! will?... searching for the sixth one"
